Vote for the pet you think deserves to win in the most votes category by liking the artwork you want to vote for starting from today until the 6th october 2019. Tribunbatamid 20 design terbaik sudah dipilih oleh free fire design dari free fire ini dari kostum hingga pet.

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Free fire design contest vote. Free fire launched its own costume design contest today in which the winner will receive 25000 diamonds. Jadi kalian tidak perlu report repot untuk memikirkan ulang tentang bagaimana custom design yang kalian akan design untuk memenangkan event yang diadakan oleh garena tersebut. The only condition is the submission should be on the given template. You can either use your software skills or hand drawing skills. The contest consists of three stages and started on 10th july 2020 yesterday and here are the complete details regarding the free fire contest. Voting penilaian desain akan dilakukan pada tanggal 10 23 agustus 2020 dan untuk pengumuman pemenang akan diinfokan pada tanggal 03 september 2020.
Cara mengikuti costume design contest ff costume design contest free fire dimulai pada tanggal 10 juli 08 agustus 2020. Go in game and enter the costume design contest website download the template as a guide for you to follow. Channel your creative side and submit an original design. Untuk pilih kostum atau pet dari 20 design terbaik maka bisa voting dari link yang sudah dibagikan oleh free fire. The free fire costume design contest began on july 10 2020 and will run through august 30 2020. When you submit submit in this form of template.
Free fire has introduced costume design contest with a prize pool of 25500 diamonds. How to submit your artwork. Para pemain dapat menjadikan inspirasi custome design contest free fire kalian. Untuk kostum diberikan keterangan pada setiap designnya sementara itu untu pet diberitahukan setiap skill dari petnya. Heres a look at all the details on the new free fire costume design contest. Do note that the top 3 winners have already been chosen and will not be any of the option in the voting phase.
A user can submit more than multiple designs during this period. In this contest players need to submit free fire costumes designed by them. Skins and costumes are an important part of garenas battle royale and now players can. The contest will have a prize pool of 25500 diamonds. 5 inspirasi custome design contest free fire ada zombie ff. Who knows it might be the next bundle in game.
Garena has introduced a brand new contest in free fire called the costume design contest which allows users to come up with their own unique designs for costume bundles. Players who are interested in submitting their designs can do so between july 10 and august 9. Costume design contest in free fire event. Free fire design your own pet contest voting phase the voting phase has just started. Another costume design contest is here.