Highlights parte 4 duration. The spas 12 was designed to function primarily in semi automatic mode with the pump action mode used to reliably fire low pressure ammunition such as tear gas rounds or less lethal bean bags.

Free Fire Here Are 10 In Game Weapons That Do The Most Damage
Spas 12 free fire. Eai galera tudo bom. The spas 12 was specifically designed as a combat shotgun and anti riot measure but eventually marketed as a sporting system to civilians. Berikut redaksi berita olahraga indosport telah merangkum perbandingan antara 2 senjata shotgun yaitu spas 12 dan juga m1014. The spas 12 is a powerful pump action shotgun that fires buckshot in a cone shaped pattern. Arécs ff 331154 views. Cara spas12 free fire lebih mematikan ff 2020 spas 12 juga sering sekali digunakan dalam permainan bahkan senjata ini juga merupakan salah satu pengganti m1014 untuk digunakan sebagai rush nanti.
Dalam game free fire terdapat 2 senjata shotgun yang menjadi andalan para player senjata shotgun pertama yaitu spas 12 dan juga m1014. The firing mode is switched by depressing the button under the fore grip and also sliding the fore grip forwards or backwards until it clicks into position allowing the rotating sleeve to open or close. The first one fires multiple pellets with a medium sized spread uses one shell and has a small delay. Senjata ini mempunyai damage yang cukup besar bahkan sekali tembakan kebagian kepala sudah bisa membunuh musuh tersebut. Melhor jogador de spas 12 do free fire. But if the safety is on you cant uncock it by pulling the trigger one would hope and you cant cock it by cycling the slide.
The spas 12 could therefore fire up to four rounds per second in the former mode its dual mode system managed by way of a two position selector switch near the foregrip. Primarily used by the hecu and the combine and sometimes carried by the resistance as well it is used by most playable characters from the half life games story arc. Depends what your style if your new to shotguns use the spas 12 it has 8 shots and a more spreaded shot then the xm1014. The spas 12 has two fire modes. The semi automatic rate of fire the 7 or 9 rounds held in the magazine tube along with a suppressor and optical sight make the spas 12 a hands down improvement over the contemporary m133 sbs or d2 shotguns. The xm1014 has a higher fireing rate and a thighter spread then the spas 12 reload xm1014 reloads faster then the spas 12 but holds 6 shots while spas holds 8 both can 1 shot up close.
Monster free fire highlights duration. The base model the spas 12 is by and large one of the best if not the best option for a shotgun in far cry 5. It is one of those somewhat rare guns that allows the safety to be turned on cocked or not cocked. The spas 12 will not allow itself to be cocked when the safety is on. 2 senjata tersebut memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan nya masing masing.